Monday, June 4, 2012

More suggestions for Hanu

  1. The Art of War- Sun Tzu
  2. The Prince- Niccolo Machiavelli
  3. The Republic- Plato
  4. The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy- Douglas Adams
  5. Letters to the Earth- Mark Twain
  6. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde- Robert Louis Stevenson
  7. The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde
  8. The Count of Monte Cristo- Alexander Dumas
  9. A History of the Crusades- Steven Runciman
  10. The Lord of the Rings- J.R.R. Tolkien
  11. The Magna Carta
  12. The Metamorphoses- Ovid
  13. The Iliad- Homer
  14. The Odyssey- Homer
  15. The Inferno (With selections from Purgatorio and Paradiso) - Dante
  16. The Masterpiece- Emile Zola
  17. Sections of Les Miserable’s- Victor Hugo
  18. “The White Man’s Burden”- Rudyard Kipling
  19. “We Will Never Surrender”- Winston Churchill
  20. “I Have a Dream”- MLK Jr.
  21. A History of the English Speaking Peoples- Winston Churchill
  22. Dracula- Bram Stoker
  23. The Stand (Unabridged)- Stephen King
  24. Maus: A Survivor’s Tale- Art Spiegelman
  25. The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank
  26. Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury
  27. A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream- William Shakespeare
  28. The Jungle- Upton Sinclair
  29. All Quiet on the Western Front- Erich Maria Remarque
  30. I Am Legend- Richard Matheson
  31. On Writing- Stephen King
  32. Dune- Frank Herbert
  33. Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  34. Brave New World- Aldus Huxley
  35. Das Capital- Karl Marx
  36. Frankenstein- Mary Shelley
  37. Ishmael- Daniel Quinn
  38. Civil Disobedience- Henry David Thoreau
  39. Slaughterhouse Five- Kurt Vonnegut
  40. “The Lottery”- Shirley Jackson
  41. Catcher in the Rye- J.D. Salinger
  42. One Hundred Years of Solitude- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  43. Watchmen- Alan Moore

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