Friday, June 1, 2012

A few more ideas...

  1. Write a dramatic sketch of a scene from the book, complete with stage directions.
  2. Write a persuasive speech that could be used in a debate to convince others of your opinion on a controversial subject from the book. 
  3. Make a power-point presentation about the setting of the book, time and place (especially for book with historical or foreign settings)
  4. Identify tropes in the story/characters and compare them to similar ideas in other books, movies, etc. (Use for ideas)
  5. How would you act differently than a character in the book if you were in the same situation? Would your philosophy and moral values make you behave or choose differently, and if so, how would that change the outcome of the story?
  6. Choose the actors you would cast in a movie adaptation of the book.
  7. Write a paper or make a powerpoint describing how you think the time and place the author lived/lives in affected his/her writing style and worldview. Do you think that he/she may have seen things differently if he/she were from modern America?

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