Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Problem-solution essay

Vidura wrote this short problem/solution essay for school.

When Your Room is a Mess

Sometimes, if your room is really messy and you have to clean it, you don’t know where to start. But just sitting there won’t help. You need to know what order to do things in so that it goes faster.

Here are some tips; first separate the things on your floor into three groups: clothes, toys, and garbage. Put them where they go to get them out of the way. Next, you put the rest of the things left on the floor, like books, in their designated places. Now you can vacuum and make your bed, then you can straighten up the last few things and then you’re done! The room will look way better than it did before.      

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! I love clean and organized and your suggestions are written in such a precise, organized way. I'm inspired!
