Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Morgan freeman reviews "Eye Contact"

For school Hanuman had to record himself reading his review of this short film. He decided to use his Morgan Freeman voice to read it. Probably spiced up his teacher's day a little, grading assignments. He got an A.

1 comment:

  1. The player is not working. Here is text of the review: Eye contact is a 2/5 stars film. This is because of one thing, it became boring. It slowly ramps up the shaky camera, music, and tense camera angles, but the scares become less scary. In the beginning the only thing that is in any way foreboding is the music, and it clashes against the simple backdrop of the lighthouse and the runner. As she continues the music continues to mount up, and by the time she gets to the top you are expecting something terribly scary, but all you see is the shadowy shape on the pier, and it is not the least bit frightening. However you are startled by the sudden noise and camera shift. It is almost like it is telling you to be afraid rather than just scaring you.
    The startling but entirely fearless jump scares continue, showing nothing but the shadow, a character who by now is easy to see and understand, and has thus left any aura of fearful mystery behind it. The idea of a monster that can move only when you cannot see it, although interesting, has been done many times before, better, and long before this film was created. As she progress
    By the 2/3s mark I have already become bored. It was a simple plot, a simple setup, and a simple scare set, and because of this lack of depth, the repetitive and basic scares are stretched out over a long period of time, and by the end are simply not scary. The plot devolves to the point that the monster appears to be moving when we, and even several times she, can see it. It detracts from the fright, and the boring scares, bad music, too long jogging sequences, terrible plot, and terrible ending all amount to a story that while theoretically okay becomes hopelessly mediocre and bland.
