Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rasa's Book Response Activity from Last Week: Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling

by Rasa Durina
Harvey Cheyne

     A man and his son were on a liner headed to Europe to finish the boy’s education when disaster struck! Harvey, the son of famous businessman Mr. Chene passed out from The smoke of a strong Cigar. “I didn’t mean any harm when I game him that cigar,” says Mr. Martin, a German Passenger that had been on the liner with them. “But Harvey kept trying to act so grownup and important. He said that all the cigars on board were too weak. As a joke, I gave him one of my strong cigars.” Apparently, the cigar knocked him unconscious and he went overboard. A small fishing boat picked him up and brought him to a larger boat, and he was taken in by the crew of We’re Here . He lived there for a few years, until they came back to the port. His father and mother, who had been devastated, thinking their son was dead, rewarded the crew. “I can’t believe my son’s alive,” says Mrs. Chene. “After so long…I thought it wasn’t possible.” Everyone agrees that the experience had a favorable affect on young Harvey's character.

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